APA Website
Many of the APA style guidelines and a great number of the most commonly needed examples can be found at the official APA website:
Additional APA Resources:
Tutorial developed by the ASU Library for learning about APA Style.
OWL - the Purdue (University) Online Writing Lab.
Blog offers opportunities to ask citation style questions and get help from the APA community especially when the answer cannot be found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Please note: these online sources are helpful in resolving citation style questions, however, they are not the official APA Style guide but rather an interpretation of the citation style and may be prone to inaccuracies. Always consult the official style manual first for the most accurate information.
American Psychological Association Style or APA Style is generally used by disciplines within the Social Sciences.
Citation styles change over time; the advent of the Internet and the increasing number at material types [e.g. web pages, e-journals etc.) have contributed to some of these changes. When using a specific citation style be sure to use a resource such as the style manual or website that reflects the current edition.
Print copies of the most current edition are available in the following ASU Library locations:
Hayden Reserve [2 copies] | Polytechnic Reference [2 copies] |
Downtown Reference [2 copies] | West (Fletcher) Reference [2 copies] |
Music Reference [2 copies] | Hayden Stacks [2 copies] |
Noble Reference [2 copies] | Polytechnic Stacks [1 copy] |