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Citation Styles

Using These Examples

The examples provided are the most commonly cited types of sources such as books, articles in journals, magazines & newspapers, and miscellaneous sources including conferences, web pages, media & other electronic resources.


Book, Print – One Author

Ramsey, Ramsey Eric.  The Long Path to Nearness: A Contribution to a Corporeal Philosophy Of Communication and the

Groundwork for an Ethics of Relief.  Humanities Press, 1998.


Book, Print - Two Authors

Druin, Allison, and Cynthia Solomon.  Designing Multimedia Environments for Children. J. Wiley & Sons, 1996.


Book, Online

Edmundson, Mark.  Self and Soul: A Defense of Ideals.  Harvard University Press, 2015. 


NOTE: URL’s for online documents and sources are required, but the http://www prefix is not included.


Subsequent Edition:

Spikes, Michael P. Understanding Contemporary American Literary Theory. Rev. ed., U of South Carolina Press, 2003. 

Edited Book:                                       

Shilling, Dan, editor. Conversations on Community. Arizona Humanities Council, 2003.


Corporate Author:

National Council of Teachers of English.  Adventuring with Books; 2,400 Titles for Pre-K-Grade 8. Citation Press, 1973.


Reference Book - No Author:

Dictionary of Literary Characters. Chambers, 2004. 


Reference Book, Single Entry, Multi-volume

Nash, William R.  “Harlem Renaissance.”  The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Literature, Editor in Chief Jay Parini, vol. 2, Oxford

University Press, 2004, pp. 147-153. 


Reference Book, Single Entry, Two Authors and Edited

Barrere, Cynthia, and Colleen Delaney.  “Complementary and Alternative Modalities.” Understanding Medical-surgical Nursing, edited

by Linda S. Williams and Paula D. Hopper, F.A. Davis Company, 2011.  Credo Reference,

NOTE: if page numbers for online works are not given, they do not need to be included.


Anthology or Compilation:

Tharpe, Jac, ed. Frost, Centennial Essays III. G.K. Hall, 1982.


Work in an Anthology:

Feld, Rose C., “Robert Frost Relieves His Mind.” Essays on Robert Frost. edited by Philip L. Gerber, G. K. Hall, 1982.


Edited Collection of Another Author:

Frost, Robert. The Poetry of Robert Frost. edited by Edward Connery Lathem. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969. 

Journals, Magazines and Newspapers

Journal Article, Print

Hattenhauer, Darryl.  “The Politics of Kurt Vonnegut’s ‘Harrison Bergeron.’”  Studies in Short Fiction,

vol. 35, no.4, 1998, pp. 387-392. 


Journal Article, Online Database

Hattenhauer, Darryl.  “The Politics of Kurt Vonnegut’s ‘Harrison Bergeron.’”  Studies in Short Fiction,

vol. 35, no. 4, 1998, pp. 387-392.  Academic Search Premier,


Journal Article, Web:

McDonald, Marianne. “Seamus Heaney’s Cure at Troy: Politics and Poetry.” Classics Ireland, vol. 3, 1996.


Magazine Article, Online Database

Eliaz, Isaac.  “The Good Digestion Guide.”  Better Nutrition, vol. 74, no. 1, Nov. 2013, pp. 38-42. 

Academic Search Premier,


NOTE:  MLA no longer requires the date the article was accessed, only the publication date.


Magazine Article, Print

Eliaz, Isaac.  “The Good Digestion Guide.”  Better Nutrition, vol. 74, no. 1, Nov. 2013, pp. 38-42.


Magazine Article, Web

Kezar, Adrianna, and Samantha Bernstein.  “Adjunct Professorships Hurt Students and Educators Alike. 

Is it Time to Abandon Tenure?”  Salon, 30 June 2016,


NOTE:  Often magazine articles do not have volume and issue numbers.  In those cases just use the date of publication. 


Newspaper Article, Print

Ingraham, Christopher.  “Creators Peak in their Early 30’s to Late 40’s.”  Arizona Republic, 27 June 2016, pp. D3. 


Newspaper Article, Online Database

Ingraham, Christopher.  “Creators Peak in their Early 30’s to Late 40’s.”  Arizona Republic, 27 June 2016, pp. D3. 




Newspaper Article, Web

Friskics-Warren, Bill.  "The Latest Nonconformist from Nashville West." New York Times.  7 May 2000.

Other Types of Sources


George, Nelson, director.  A Ballerina’s Tale.  Sundance Select, 2016. 

Film, Online

Weir, Peter, director.  Gallipoli.  Paramount Vault, 1981,


Film, Database (no author)

The Other Side of the Taj Mahal: Treasures of the Indus. Films on Demand, posted 26 Nov. 2015,



Art Work:

Bearden, Romare. The Train. 1975, Museum of Modern Art, New York.


Conference Paper, Published

Gallegos, Bee, et al. “Quarantined: The Fletcher Library Game Project.” Proceedings of the Thirty-fifth National LOEX Library

Instruction Conference, 5-7 May 2007, San Diego, edited byt Brad Sietz and Teresa Valko. LOEX Press, 2009, pp.133-138.


Conference Proceedings

Sietz, Brad, and  Valko, Teresa,  editors.  Proceedings of the Thirty-fifth National LOEX Library Instruction Conference, 

 5-7 May 2007, San Diego,  LOEX Press, 2009.


Sound Recording:

Jackson, Michael. “Beat it.” Thriller.  Sony Music, 1982.  


Page on a Website

Lundman, Susan. "How to Make Vegetarian Chili.”


Entire Website:

Famous Poets and Poems.  2006-2010.



Smith, Ryan. “Thoughts on Writing a Poem.”  Received by Jane Crim,  2 Aug. 2010.


Personal Interview:

Lammer, Joshua.  Personal interview.  2 Aug. 2010.