This online resource is the official guide to information for the Chicago Style.
ASU faculty, Staff and students have access to the full content of the Chicago Manual of Style Online available at the official website. The Chicago Style Citation Quick Guide has examples about to cite different sources.
Chicago Manual of Style
OWL - the Purdue (University) Online Writing Lab.
Citation Builder
UNC Libraries, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Documenting Sources: Chicago Style
Easy Writer Resouces by Andrea Lundsford, Lunsford Handbook series.
The Chicago Style is used in both the humanities and social sciences.
There are two documentation systems within the Chicago Style: the humanities style and the author-date system. The humanities style is preferred by many in literature, history and the arts. The author-date system is more precise and generally used by the physical, natural and social sciences. Choosing which of these systems is most appropriate often depends on the subject matter and the type of sources being cited.
This guide is divided into several sections. The main page provides an overview of this citation style, who should use it and identifies print and online sources. The additional sections discuss the basic guidelines for using Chicago style; using in-text citations, and lastly, provides examples of how different resources are formatted in Chicago.
The ASU Library has the online edition of the Chicago Manual of Style as well as multiple print copies available in libraries across the campuses. The online and print editions are identical in that you can consult them for guidnace in formatting your research paper including finding examples of how to cite various types of sources.
Copies of the most current edition are available in the collections of the following ASU library under the call number shown above:
Design Reference | Downtown Reference |
Hayden Reserve [2 copies] | Law Reference [2 copies] |
Polytechnic Reference [2 copies] | Polytechnic Stacks |
Thunderbird Reference | West [Fletcher] Reference |
West [Fletcher] Reserve |